Enjoying the Bible

Enjoying the Bible is the first Scripture Courses I taught in Cloyne Diocese when I was engaged in pastoral ministry and adult religious education in Ireland before coming to minister in the USA. It covered the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, and in the Old Testament it covered the Wisdom Literature and the Psalms. You can read the course outline below and also some excerpts.

Introduction to the Course
Introduction to the Bible (Development of the Bible, Manuscripts of the Bible, Seven Extra Books in Catholic Old Testaments)

Inspiration of Sacred Scripture
(Thereafter both Old and New Testament sections of the course run concurrently)
Old TestamentNew Testament
2Introduction to the Psalms (The Psalms were Jesus' Prayer Book, Praying the Psalms today)
Psalms we pray when all is well
Hymns of Praise, Psalms 8 and 104
Introduction to the Gospels
The Gospel of Mark
3Introduction to the Psalms continued
Psalms we pray when all is well
Hymns Praising God's Providence Guiding History, Psalms 105 and 136
Reflection on Psalm 139
Introduction to the Gospels concluded
The Gospel of Luke
Jesus' Ministry in Luke to Those on the Margins
Paralleling of Men and Women in Luke
Reflection on the Magnificat
4Introduction the Psalms continued (including the different numbering of the Psalms)
Psalms we pray when all is well
Zion Hymns, Psalms 48 and 84
The Gospel of Matthew
Four Gospels: Four Portraits of Jesus
Scripture in the Liturgy
5Introduction to the Psalms concluded (titles)
Psalms we pray when we are in crisis (laments)
Lament of a Sick Person, Psalm 88
Sheol, death and heaven in the Old Testament
Psalm 31 and Jesus' Passion
Infancy Narratives: Luke 1-2
6Psalms we pray when we are in crisis
Lament of a Sinner, Psalm 51
Infancy Narratives: Matthew 1-2
7Psalms we pray when we are in crisis
Lament of One who is Persecuted, Psalm 27
Psalms 22; 69 and Jesus' Passion
Laments of the Community, Psalm 137
Humanity and Emotions of Jesus in the Gospels
Prayer and Spirituality of Jesus
8Psalms to thank God for helping us out of a crisis
Thanksgiving Psalms, Psalms 116 and 107
How to Interpret the Parables
Parables of Mark 4 and Matthew 13
9Thematic Psalms
Royal Psalms, Psalms of Trust, Liturgical Psalms, Covenant Renewal Psalms, Wisdom Psalms, Pilgrimage Psalms
Parables of Luke 15
10Anger and Vengeance in the PsalmsMore Parables in Luke and Matthew including
The Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector
11Introduction to the Wisdom Literature
Book of Proverbs
The Miracles of Jesus
12Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth)Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
The Beatitudes (Matthew 5)
13Book of Job 1-37The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
14Book of Job 38-42
Thoughts on the mystery of suffering
The Lord's Prayer, Our Father
15Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)The Passion Narratives
(Matt 26; Mark 14; Luke 22)
16Wisdom of SolomonThe Passion Narratives
(Matt 27; Mark 15; Luke 23)
17Song of Songs
Overview of Wisdom Literature
Wisdom Literature and the New Testament
The Resurrection Narratives
(Mark 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; Acts 1)


Acts of the Apostles
(Acts 1-7, Mission in Jerusalem)
19First Book of MaccabeesActs of the Apostles
(Acts 8-12, Mission in Judaea and Samaria)
20Second Book of Maccabees
Acts of the Apostles
(13-28, Mission to the end of the earth
Theology of Acts and Parallels with Luke)

Enjoying the Bible

This course is SOLD OUT.
I have no plans to reprint. SORRY

The Second Course: Enjoying Paul and the Old Testament
Old Testament: Pentateuch and Historical Books
New Testament: Paul and the Letters of the New Testament
Read the full course outline and samples

Praying the Bible

A highlight of the Scripture Courses I taught each night was 20 minutes of prayer using the Bible. These guided biblical meditations were so popular that many course participants asked to have some of them recorded. Visit An Hour with Jesus, Our Life, God's Gift and Let's Talk to Jesus where you can listen to samples in audio.
