My book The Catholic Priesthood: Biblical Foundations is published by Emmaus Road Publicationsn.

Catholic Priesthood: Biblical FoundationsIt is available from Logos and Verbum

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Endorsements on the Back Cover and inside the Front Cover

"In this new and compelling book, Fr. Lane makes it clear from the witness of the Scriptures that Jesus, himself High Priest of a New Covenant, intended to form a priestly people and to establish a priesthood in accord with that New Covenant. This book will assist both the baptized in understanding more deeply their royal priesthood and the ordained in appropriating the full richness of their call to serve the Body of Christ in persona Christi capitis."
Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades,
Bishop of Fort Wayne - South Bend

"For years I have wanted an up-to-date and robustly biblical analysis of the priesthood that I could assign to seminarians. Fr. Lane's The Catholic Priesthood: Biblical Foundations fills a major lacuna. It covers an impressively wide range of topics and incorporates fresh insights from recent exegesis in a faithful and illuminating way."
Brant Pitre,
Professor of Sacred Scripture, Notre Dame Seminary

"Fr. Lane unveils through his study the superabundance of the biblical record for Christological, liturgical, sacramental, and spiritual theology. In short, he has answered the call of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to make biblical study properly theological, and theology return to the Bible as its 'soul.'"
John D. Love,
Associate Professor of Systematic and Moral Theology,
Department Chair of Moral Theology,
Mount St. Mary's Seminary