An Hour with Jesus - Prayer for Peace

Here you can listen to excerpts of a holy hour for peace which would be suitable for prayer at any time. It was recorded on CD and entitled An Hour with Jesus which is sold out. You can listen to samples below. When the prayer begins, in order to reduce distractions, I invite you to close your eyes and keep your back upright and both legs on the ground! Don't just listen, please pray with me! I hope these help. Sample some of this relaxing prayer now.

An Holy Hour with Jesus, prayer for peace mp3 SAMPLES FOR LISTENING
(reduced quality)

Jesus, Prince of Peace mp3

Meditation and Prayer for Peace mp3

Meditation on Psalm 63 mp3

Introduction to the Rosary mp3

Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary mp3

You can listen to more samples of prayer in Praying the Bible.