Bible, Prayer, and Homily Resources

PhotographThis website is by Fr. Tommy Lane, S.S.L., S.T.D. (License in Sacred Scripture, Doctorate in Sacred Theology). I occasionally serve as Adjunct Professor of Sacred Scripture in Ireland, and have served as Adjunct Professor Sacred Scripture at the Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, UK, and as Professor of Sacred Scripture at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland. I have assisted in parishes in Italy, Austria, Germany, USA, and currently in Ireland. I have given parish missions in the USA and retreats in Ireland and accompanied pilgrims on pilgrimages and I occasionally read doctoral dissertations for students before their submission. In my spare time I develop this website.

I designed this as a website rather than a blog because many of the more than 2000 visitors every day are priests and deacons seeking homily ideas. In a blog, each new entry pushes others down making it difficult to find homily ideas for a particular Sunday quickly. But since this is a website, with just a few clicks from any part of the site, one can find past homilies for any Sunday. I continue to edit old ones and remove some.

May your visit to my site refresh you and bring you closer to the Lord Jesus.
I appreciate your prayers for my ministry. Thanks.
