E-mail - Please be brief

You may email me using the address at the bottom of this page

Before you email please read the following:

I do not operate a mailing list. You will have to download homilies from the website. Thanks.

Please do not email me asking for homilies which you cannot find on the website. If you need a homily for a particular occasion or on a particular topic and it is not on my website, I do not have such a homily.

E-mail with attachments and spam will be deleted without being opened.

Please keep your message brief, just a few lines please. While I am happy to receive e-mail I do not have time to read lengthy emails.

Before you ask a question about our faith, why not try to find the answer yourself in a book such as

  • The Catholicism Answer Book: The 300 Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • Catholicism for Dummies by Frs. Trigilio and Brighenti.

Each of these books answers a lot of questions you may have about Catholicism. It may be the place for you to begin.

If you want to find the contact details for a priest (in the USA), please contact your local parish secretary who can quickly find the details in the Official Catholic Directory, formerly called the Kennedy Directory.

If you are rude, offensive, or arrogant I will disregard your email.

Finally, I have no way of knowing if your email is genuine so please don't be offended if you do not receive a reply. Therefore, for important matters, please contact your local priest.

May God Bless you.

Fr. Tommy Lane


Sorry, but you will have to type the address above into your email program. The address above is not broken; I deliberately used an image to prevent my email being harvested by automated programs.