Holy Week Homilies

If anything among the following helps email

Passion (Palm) Sunday

Jesus’ faithful love 2024

Meditating on Jesus’ Passion 2021

The Passion of Jesus shows us up as sinners and heals us

The characters in the Passion represent our sins that led to Jesus’ crucifixion 2009

The Passion of Jesus Speaks to Us 2015

Related Homilies: Jesus’ “Abba” Prayer in Gethsemane 2020

Jesus’ Sufferings Revealed by the Turin Shroud

Gethsemane and crucifixion

Second Reading: All Should Bend the Knee at the Name of Jesus 2020

First Reading: Jesus took our sins on himself 2018

Reconciliation Service

See Homilies on the Sacrament of Reconciliation


Holy Thursday

Jesus’ Body and Blood given for us 2021

Jesus our Passover Lamb consumed in the Eucharist 2015

Jesus shares his priesthood with the apostles during the Last Supper 2008

The Eucharist and the Priesthood were born during the Last Supper

Related Homilies:

Homilies on Priesthood  Homilies on Vocation

Homilies on the Eucharist


Good Friday

Behold the wood of the cross 2024

Within Your Wounds, hide me 2022

The Passion of Jesus moves us to Repentance

Blood and Water from Christ's Side giving us Life 2015

Related Homilies: Jesus’ trials before the Sanhedrin and Pilate

The Passion of Jesus shows us up as sinners and heals us

Jesus’ Sufferings Revealed by the Turin Shroud

The Sudarium, the Face-Cloth of Christ

Gethsemane and crucifixion

Jesus took our sins on himself 2018

Largest Known Relic of the True Cross in Santo Toribio, Spain

The Miraculous Crucifix in Limpias

Center of St. Teresa of Calcutta's spirituality (Jesus on the Cross, “I thirst”) 2012

Pierced Hands and Feet Predicted by Psalm 22 2020

Mary stood beside Jesus’ Cross 2023

Jesus on the cross teaching us how to respond to unjust suffering 2015

See Office of Readings, Easter Week IV, Tuesday, Second Reading

Do you love me?

Jesus paid the price for our sins

St Margaret of York, Eucharistic Martyr, martyred on Good Friday

mp3 meditation: Seven Last Words of Jesus (1,2,3) (reduced quality)

mp3 meditation: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (4) (reduced quality)

mp3 meditation: Jesus on the Cross Thirsting for our Love (5) (reduced quality)

Easter Vigil

Make Space for the Risen Jesus 2022

Roll Away the Stone and Meet the Risen Jesus

Christ is Risen! The Night is as clear as Day! 2011

You Will Meet the Risen Jesus in Galilee in Your Everyday Life

Jesus Risen is the Light of the World 2008

Related Homilies: Jesus Did Rise on Easter Sunday! 2021

excerpts of funeral homilies

stories about the next life and death

Easter Sunday

See homilies in Years ABC