Bible Study, Prayer, and Homily Resources
If we are generous in taking care of God’s people God will take care of us. In London there was a man in the hospital and he wanted to speak with a priest. He said, “Nurse please call a priest. I need to talk to a priest. I need to speak with a priest.” She called the chaplain but he was absent and she called parish after parish getting further and further from the hospital until she got a priest and when he answered the phone she said, “We have a man here who needs to see a priest. Can you come to see him? I’ve called all these other churches.” He said he would come. He got his holy oils, got on the subway, and went to the hospital. He anointed the man and encouraged him and comforted him. As he was about to leave the patient said, “Can I give you something for your trouble” and the priest said, “No, the sacraments are free. It is my pleasure to be here.” But the man said, “I want to do something to help you.” The priest said, “I am trying to raise money for a new furnace for my church and it is very hard to raise money for a new furnace because everyone wants to give to stained glass windows. If you want to make a donation to our furnace fund I would be glad to accept it.” The man paid for the whole furnace, then he paid for the renovation of the whole sanctuary, then he put a new roof on the church, then he repointed the masonry. Then he asked the priest what else he needed. Because the priest was generous to him, he was generous to the priest. If you go to St. James Church in Spanish place you will see a plaque from him honoring the memory of his mother. If we have generous hearts and take care of God’s people and the poor and sick and suffering, God will take care of us.