Bible Study, Prayer, and Homily Resources
by Fr. Tommy Lane
God desires our love so much that he sent his son Jesus, Love Himself, to invite us to be his people. The angel Gabriel asked Mary to be the mother of Jesus. During the nine months while Jesus was growing in Mary’s womb, that first great Advent in preparation for the first Christmas, Mary acted as Jesus’ footsteps; he went everywhere she chose. Mary was his food, his warmth, his home. Her breathing was his breath. Jesus became human in Mary and wants to be allowed into our lives also. Our love for him will be his manger. Let us pray in our own words during the pause that our hearts may be good homes for Jesus, that this Christmas we may be his manger by making room for him as Mary did.....
Gabriel had a beautiful message for Mary, that she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit and give birth to Jesus, who would be the Son of God (Luke 1:31-32). God has an invitation for us also. Just as Mary was Jesus’ feet, breath, and shelter during his first nine months, we are invited to give shelter to Jesus by allowing him into our lives. Just as Mary took Jesus with her everywhere she went during those first nine months, we are invited to take Jesus with us everywhere we go so that it will be Christmas for everyone we meet. Let us thank God for this wonderful invitation to us.....
Mary found the angel Gabriel’s message difficult. She said, “how can this come about since I have no knowledge of man?” (Luke 1:34) Maybe we find it difficult to believe that God could have such a great plan for us, to bring Jesus to others and bring others to Jesus by becoming more and more like Jesus and living his values. We are aware of our limitations and weaknesses and maybe sometimes we find it hard to believe that we could do much for God. Maybe sometimes we wonder about the meaning of life and are stunned to think that God values us so highly and that we could make the lives of others more meaningful. If we have fears and doubts, let us share them now with God.....
The angel Gabriel reassured Mary telling her that nothing is impossible to God and as a sign told her that her cousin Elizabeth, though elderly, was now six months pregnant. (Luke 1:36-37) Because our faith is weak, sometimes we need reassurance just as Mary did. Let us remember the words of Paul, “We hold this treasure in pots of earthenware so that the immensity of the power is God’s and not our own.” (2 Cor 4:7) So it is OK to feel like an earthenware pot. It is not we who will do anything good, but God. It is God’s power working in us that will transform us to be more like Jesus and bring others to Jesus. God always chooses the weak to show that it is God who is at work. So let us not fear. All we have to do is say “Yes” to God and God will do the rest. Let us tell God now that we will not worry about our weaknesses and limitations but that we will trust in him and find our reassurance in him.....
Mary responded, “You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38) Mary did not have to do anything, just let God do the action; it is the same for us. All that is necessary for us is to allow God dwell in us. Every time we say to God, “You see before you the Lord’s servant,” God comes down from heaven again, there is another Christmas, and the place where we are is another Bethlehem. Let us pray now for a moment, telling God that we are his servants, asking God to let it happen to us as he has said.....
The angel left Mary. She was on her own now, or so it seemed. In fact she was not really on her own, God was with her and in her. It is like that for us too sometimes. God calls us, we answer, and then we feel on our own. But we are not really alone because God is with us. Let us pray now asking for help to continue responding to God’s call even when we think we’re on our own because we are not in fact on our own—he is with us.....
Mary, you were the first to make room for Jesus. But Jesus himself said the most important thing you did was to be his disciple. Your importance was that you were his follower; he said “my mother and brothers are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” (Luke 8:21) Mary you were the first to be a disciple and follower of Jesus. We are all called to be disciples and followers of Jesus. You are our model. Let us ask Mary now to help us be good disciples of Jesus, that like her we may be a servant of the Lord, so that the Word may become flesh and dwell among us this Christmas.....
Copyright © Fr. Tommy Lane 1997
Homilies for the Fourth Sunday of Advent Year B
Mary carried Jesus and wants to carry you to heaven 2023
God is faithful to his promises whatever happens 2020
Jesus came because Mary surrendered to God and said “Yes”
Related Homilies: Mary full of grace 2023
God made a gathering of all graces called Mary