Bible Study, Prayer, and Homily Resources
by Fr. Tommy Lane
As we journey through life there are ups and downs. When we are knocked down, we need a pick-me-up, or as the Italians might say, a “tira-mi-su.” No matter what way you are knocked down, Jesus is there to pick you up. Especially when we are ill, we need Jesus to pick us up and that is why a large part of the Church’s ministry is in healthcare and looking after those who are ill. We are also aware of those who have received miraculous physical healings at shrines like Lourdes and Knock. They remind us that Jesus wishes to heal us today just as he did in Palestine 2000 years ago. Through the Church, Jesus continues to heal, taking those who are ill by the hand and saying, “Talitha kum”, “...I tell you to get up.” (Mark 5:41) We should have more faith in the healing power of Jesus to allow Jesus to take us by the hand when we need and help us up.
In the past, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick was given when somebody was dying and was called the Last Rites. Now, it is called Anointing of the Sick and anyone who is seriously ill can request to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick once a month. It is a beautiful sacrament for healing. It is a sacrament for the sick. When people are anointed, Jesus takes them by the hand as he took Jairus’ daughter by the hand and says to them, “Talitha kum,” “Little girl, I tell you to get up.” (Mark 5:41) We could do with strengthening our faith in the power of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to heal. Jesus is waiting in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to pick us up when we are knocked down by sickness.
It is not only sickness that can knock us down. We can be knocked down by the hurts others inflict on us and by what they say or do to us. It is not always true to say that “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Names, words, and attitudes also hurt. On those occasions, we also need a pick-me-up, and, on those occasions, Jesus is also there to pick us up.
To begin the healing of these types of knocks, I would like to recall the motto chosen by the Catholic Church for the Jubilee 2000: “Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) No matter when you were hurt, since today, yesterday, and tomorrow are the same for Jesus, ask him to walk back in time with you to the day when you suffered a particular hurt or received the news of your illness. Close your eyes now and imagine Jesus by your side or in front of you . . . Make your way through the crowd to Jesus like the bleeding woman . . . In your imagination, touch Jesus’ cloak wishing for his healing . . . (Mark 5:27-28) Feel the love of Jesus healing you . . . Hear Jesus say to you, “Your faith has restored you to health.” . . . (Mark 5:34) Or, in your imagination see Jesus take you by the hand as he took Jairus’ daughter by hand and let Jesus help you up, “I tell you to get up.” . . . (Mark 5:41) Jesus said about the girl, “She is not dead, only asleep.” (Mark 5:39) Hear Jesus say to you, “Your wound is not permanent, it is only temporary, I am healing you.” . . . Let Jesus comfort you after the hurt you received. . . Let the love of Jesus replace all the damage and hurt and woundedness . . . Just as the Good Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the injured man on the road to Jericho (Luke 10:34), let Jesus pour his love on your wounds and replace your wounds with his love. . . Touch Jesus’ garments and let your bleeding, your suffering, dry up . . . Hear Jesus say to you, “You are not dead, only asleep. Get up” . . . Tell Jesus about your pain and hurt. . . Feel the love of Jesus replacing your wounds with his love, healing you, and making you whole again.
Pray to Jesus like this for 15 or 20 minutes every day for as long as it takes your wound to heal. Pray to Jesus whatever way helps for as long as possible each day. Come to Jesus in faith. Jesus cares about you more than anyone and does not want you to remain wounded and hurt. He wants you to be well and at peace to enjoy life. Come to Jesus through the crowd in faith. Reach out and touch him. Let him take you by the hand and raise you up. “My daughter, your faith has restored you to health; go in peace and be free of your complaint. Little girl, I tell you to get up.”
Copyright © Fr. Tommy Lane 2000
This homily was delivered in a parish in Ireland.
More homilies for the Thirteenth Sunday Year B
Trusting in God while suffering 2021
When you have Problems, Go to Jesus 2015
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